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YouTheatre for CHANGE

YouTheatre's focus is to create social awareness and to make a social change.


In 2014, we did that by focussing on 3-5 NGO’s including ADHAR - a home for mentally retarded adults, Kranti- a home for children of sex workers, AngelXpress- an NGO that facilitates the education of children from poverty stricken and abusive homes and the Welfare of Stray Dogs -which encourages people to adopt and care for our Indian home grown canines. For these NGOs we filmed at their homes/ institutions and created a message film free of cost for them. They also be performed on the opening night of YouTheatre so people gained awareness and learnt who they are, what they do and most importantly how they could help.



Kranti educates and empowers trafficked girls, the daughters of sex workers, and otherwise socially marginalized girls to become agents of social change within their communities.


ADHAR is the first institute in India of its type where we are taking responsibility of lifelong care and protection of adult mentally retarded adults founded by the parents of these special children.

ANGELXPRESS FOUNDATION is a Mumbai-based NGO working to transform the lives of underprivileged children through regular access to educated adults.


WELFARE OF STRAY DOGS is a Mumbai-based organization working to eradicate rabies and control the street-dog population in a humane, scientific way.

Welfare of
Stray Dogs
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